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Pipeline Configuration File


This document describes configuration files with version 2.2. Configurations with version 1.x are deprecated, but can still be used with newer versions of Conduit.


If you have a pipeline configuration file with version 1.x and multiple processors please update it to version 2.2 to ensure that processors are ordered correctly.

The pipeline configuration file is a YAML file with a specific structure, that allows you to configure one or more pipelines. All pipelines, defined in the configuration file, will be provisioned in the order in which they are defined.

You can get a quick overview of the fields by looking at the following example:

version: 2.2                    # Parser version

pipelines: # A list of pipeline configurations
- id: pipeline1 # Pipeline ID [required]
status: running # Pipeline status at startup (running or stopped)
name: pipeline1-name # Pipeline name
description: desc # Pipeline description
connectors: # A list of connector configurations
- id: con1 # Connector ID [required]
type: source # Connector type (source or destination) [required]
plugin: builtin:file # Connector plugin [required]
name: my-file-source # Connector name
settings: # A map of configuration keys and values for the plugin (specific to the chosen plugin)
path: ./file1.txt # This property is specific to the file plugin
- id: con2
type: destination
plugin: builtin:file
name: my-file-destination
path: ./file2.txt
processors: # A list of processor configurations, processors are attached to the connector
- id: proc1 # Processor ID [required]
plugin: custom.javascript # Processor plugin name [required]
condition: '{{ eq "bar" }}' # Condition (Go template expression) that dictates if the record will be passed to the processor or not.
workers: 2 # Number of parallel workers
settings: # A map of configuration keys and values for the processor (specific to the chosen processor plugin)
script: >
function process(record) {
return record; // pass through
processors: # A list of processor configurations, processors are attached to the pipeline
- id: proc2 # Processor ID [required]
plugin: field.set # Processor type [required]
settings: # A map of configuration keys and values for the processor (specific to the chosen processor plugin)
field: .Payload.After.key
value: ${ENV_VAR} # You can use environment variables by wrapping them in a dollar sign and curly braces ${}
dead-letter-queue: # Dead-letter queue (DLQ) configuration
plugin: "builtin:file" # DLQ Connector plugin
settings: # A map of configuration keys and values for the plugin (specific to the chosen plugin)
path: "./dlq.out"
window-size: 5 # DLQ nack window size
window-nack-threshold: 2 # DLQ nack window threshold


  • Data Type: String
  • Required: No
  • Default: latest (2.2)
  • Allowed Values: 1.0, 1.1, 2.0, 2.1 , 2.2
  • Description: Version defines the schema version for the pipeline configuration file and controls which parser is used to decode it.


  • Data Type: Sequence node containing pipeline nodes
  • Required: Yes
  • Default: None
  • Description: The node contains a list of pipeline definitions. Pipelines will be provisioned in the order in which they are defined.


  • Data Type: Mapping node
  • Required: n/a
  • Default: None
  • Description: This node contains the configuration of a single pipeline.


  • Data Type: String
  • Required: Yes
  • Default: None
  • Allowed Values: Strings containing alphanumeric characters (letters A-Z, both uppercase and lowercase, and digits 0-9), as well as hyphens -, underscores _, colons :, and periods ., with a max length of 128 characters.
  • Description: ID of the pipeline. It should uniquely identify the pipeline across all pipelines. If multiple pipelines use the same ID, none of them will be provisioned.

Warning: Changing this property will cause the pipeline to be recreated and start from the beginning.


  • Data Type: String
  • Required: No
  • Default: stopped
  • Allowed Values: stopped, running
  • Description: This field controls the status of the pipeline at startup. If set to running the pipeline will be automatically started, if set to stopped the pipeline will be provisioned without being started.


  • Data Type: String
  • Required: No
  • Default: Same as pipeline id
  • Allowed Values: Strings with a length limit of 128 characters.
  • Description: Human readable name for the pipeline. Needs to be unique across all pipelines (it is used as a label in pipeline metrics).


  • Data Type: String
  • Required: No
  • Default: None
  • Allowed Values: Strings with a length limit of 8192 characters.
  • Description: Human readable description of the pipeline.


  • Data Type: Sequence node containing connector nodes
  • Required: No
  • Default: None
  • Description: The node contains a list of connector definitions. The order of the connectors has no effect on the provisioned pipeline.


  • Data Type: Sequence node containing processor nodes
  • Required: No
  • Default: None
  • Description: The node contains a list of processor definitions. These processors process all records flowing through the pipeline. They are executed after source processors and before destination processors. The processors are executed in the order in which they are defined in the list.


  • Data Type: Mapping node
  • Required: No
  • Default: See sub-fields
  • Description: This node contains the dead-letter queue configuration. Read more about dead-letter queues in Conduit.


  • Data Type: String
  • Required: No
  • Default: builtin:log
  • Description: This node references the destination connector plugin used for storing dead-letters. See how to reference a connector.


  • Data Type: Mapping node
  • Required: No
  • Default: {"level": "warn", "message": "record delivery failed"}
  • Description: A map of configuration keys and values for the dead-letter queue connector. These settings depend on the value of the dead-letter queue plugin. Check the chosen destination connector's documentation for a list of settings it supports and requires.


  • Data Type: Integer
  • Required: No
  • Default: 1
  • Description: Defines the nack window size. See dead-letter queue.


  • Data Type: Integer
  • Required: No
  • Default: 0
  • Description: Defines the nack window threshold. See dead-letter queue.


  • Data Type: Mapping node
  • Required: n/a
  • Default: None
  • Description: This node contains the configuration of a single connector.


  • Data Type: String
  • Required: Yes
  • Default: None
  • Allowed Values: Strings containing alphanumeric characters (letters A-Z, both uppercase and lowercase, and digits 0-9), as well as hyphens -, underscores _, colons :, and periods ., with a max length of 256 characters.
  • Description: ID of the connector. It should uniquely identify the connector inside the pipeline. If multiple connectors inside the pipeline use the same ID, provisioning will fail.

Warning: Changing this property will cause the connector to be recreated and start from the beginning.


  • Data Type: String
  • Required: Yes
  • Default: None
  • Allowed Values: source, destination
  • Description: Defines if the connector is a source or a destination. A valid pipeline needs at least one source and one destination.

Warning: Changing this property will cause the connector to be recreated and start from the beginning.


  • Data Type: String
  • Required: Yes
  • Default: None
  • Description: This node references the connector plugin. See how to reference a connector.

Warning: Changing this property will cause the connector to start from the beginning.


  • Data Type: String
  • Required: No
  • Default: Same as connector id
  • Allowed Values: Strings with a length limit of 256 characters.
  • Description: Human readable name for the connector.


  • Data Type: Mapping node
  • Required: Yes
  • Default: None
  • Description: A map of configuration keys and values for the connector plugin. These settings depend on the value of connector type and plugin. Check the chosen connector's documentation for a list of settings it supports and requires.


  • Data Type: Sequence node containing processor nodes
  • Required: No
  • Default: None
  • Description: The node contains a list of processor definitions. These processors only process records coming from or flowing to a source or destination. The processors are executed in the order in which they are defined in the list.


  • Data Type: Mapping node
  • Required: n/a
  • Default: None
  • Description: This node contains the configuration of a single processor.


  • Data Type: String
  • Required: Yes
  • Default: None
  • Description: ID of the processor. It should uniquely identify the processor inside the pipeline. If multiple processors inside the pipeline use the same ID, provisioning will fail.


  • Data Type: String
  • Required: Yes
  • Default: None
  • Description: Defines the processor's plugin name (e.g. field.set). Check out the processors documentation to find the list of builtin processors we provide.


  • Data Type: String
  • Required: No
  • Default: true (all records will be passed to the processor)
  • Description: A Go template expression that will be used as a condition to pass the record to the processor or not. The Go template expression will be evaluated using each record and needs to produce true or false. If it produces true the record will be passed to the processor, false means it will continue down the pipeline without getting processed.


  • Data Type: Mapping node
  • Required: Yes
  • Default: None
  • Description: A map of configuration keys and values for the processor. The values in this map depend on the chosen processor plugin.


  • Data Type: Integer
  • Required: No
  • Default: 1
  • Description: Defines the number of workers that should execute this processor in parallel. The number needs to be larger than 0.

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