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Installing and running

The recommended way of running Conduit on a local machine is using the latest version which you can install by running the following command:

curl | bash


Once installed, you can start Conduit by running:


You should now be able to interact with Conduit through the CLI or its HTTP API on port 8080:

.:::: ::::.
.:::::::: ::::::::.
`:::::::: ::::::::‘
`:::: ::::‘
`::::::::::‘ Conduit v0.13.3 linux/amd64
2025-01-10T09:40:07+00:00 INF All 0 tables opened in 0s component=badger.DB
2025-01-10T09:40:07+00:00 INF Discard stats nextEmptySlot: 0 component=badger.DB
2025-01-10T09:40:07+00:00 INF Set nextTxnTs to 0 component=badger.DB
2025-01-10T09:40:07+00:00 INF loading processor plugins from directory /app/processors ... component=plugin.processor.standalone.Registry
2025-01-10T09:40:07+00:00 WRN could not read processor plugin directory error="open /app/processors: no such file or directory" component=plugin.processor.standalone.Registry
2025-01-10T09:40:07+00:00 INF standalone processor plugins initialized component=plugin.processor.standalone.Registry count=0 plugin_path=/app/processors
2025-01-10T09:40:07+00:00 INF builtin processor plugins initialized component=plugin.processor.builtin.Registry count=17
2025-01-10T09:40:07+00:00 INF processors initialized component=processor.Service count=0
2025-01-10T09:40:07+00:00 INF connector utilities started address=[::]:33955
2025-01-10T09:40:07+00:00 INF connector utilities started on [::]:33955
2025-01-10T09:40:07+00:00 INF builtin connector plugins initialized component=plugin.connector.builtin.Registry count=6
2025-01-10T09:40:07+00:00 WRN could not read connector plugin directory error="open /app/connectors: no such file or directory" component=plugin.connector.standalone.Registry
2025-01-10T09:40:07+00:00 INF standalone connector plugins initialized component=plugin.connector.standalone.Registry count=0 plugin_path=/app/connectors
2025-01-10T09:40:07+00:00 INF connectors initialized component=connector.Service count=0
2025-01-10T09:40:07+00:00 INF pipelines initialized component=pipeline.Service count=0
2025-01-10T09:40:07+00:00 INF pipeline configs provisioned component=provisioning.Service created=[] deleted=[] pipelines_path=/app/pipelines
2025-01-10T09:40:07+00:00 INF grpc API started address=[::]:8084
2025-01-10T09:40:07+00:00 INF http API started address=[::]:8080
2025-01-10T09:40:07+00:00 INF
2025-01-10T09:40:07+00:00 INF click here to navigate to explore the HTTP API: http://localhost:8080/openapi
2025-01-10T09:40:07+00:00 INF

Next Steps

Now that you have Conduit installed you can learn [how to get started]÷(/docs/getting-started). You can also explore some other topics, such as:

scarf pixel conduit-site-docs-using