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  • Pipeline - a pipeline receives records from one or multiple source connectors, pushes them through zero or multiple processors until they reach one or multiple destination connectors.
  • Connector - a connector is the internal entity that communicates with a connector plugin and either pushes records from the plugin into the pipeline (source connector) or the other way around (destination connector).
  • Connector plugin - sometimes also referred to as "plugin", is an external process which communicates with Conduit and knows how to read/write records from/to a data source/destination (e.g. a database).
  • Processor - a component that executes an operation on a single record that flows through the pipeline. It can either change the record or filter it out based on some criteria.
  • Record - a record represents a single piece of data that flows through a pipeline (e.g. one database row).
  • Collection - a generic term used in Conduit to describe an entity in a 3rd party system from which records are read from or to which records they are written to. Examples are: topics (in Kafka), tables (in a database), indexes ( in a search engine), collections (in NoSQL databases), etc.

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