Conduit CLI
Conduit CLI is a powerful tool designed to simplify the way users interact with Conduit, offering an efficient way to configure, manage, run and observe its components (connector, processor, pipelines, etc...). Developed using our open-source library Ecdysis that helps with building CLI tools in Go.
CLI commands
To list all the commands provided by the Conduit CLI, run conduit --help
Conduit CLI is a command-line that helps you interact with and manage Conduit.
conduit [flags]
conduit [command]
Available Commands:
config Shows the configuration to be used when running Conduit.
connector-plugins Manage Connector Plugins
connectors Manage Conduit Connectors
help Help about any command
init Initialize Conduit with a configuration file and directories.
open Open in a web browser
pipelines Initialize and manage pipelines
processor-plugins Manage Processor Plugins
processors Manage Processors
run Run Conduit
version Show the current version of Conduit.
--api.grpc.address string address where Conduit is running
--config.path string path to the configuration file
-h, --help help for conduit
-v, --version show the current Conduit version
Use "conduit [command] --help" for more information about a command.
Most of these commands require conduit to be already running, so it could have access to
the components used by conduit when running, or available to be used by it.
To run conduit: conduit run
For more details into the commands and how to use them, let's take for example the connector-plugins
command, to get more
information about its options, run conduit connector-plugins --help
, which will show that you have two available commands:
This command will show all the connector plugins available to be used by conduit, including the builtin connectors and the ones under theconnectors
$ ./conduit connector-plugins list
| builtin:[email protected] | A file source and destination plugin for Conduit. |
| builtin:[email protected] | Generator plugin |
| builtin:[email protected] | A Kafka source and destination plugin for Conduit, written in Go. |
| builtin:[email protected] | A destination connector that logs all incoming records. |
| builtin:[email protected] | A PostgreSQL source and destination plugin for Conduit. |
| builtin:[email protected] | An S3 source and destination plugin for Conduit, written in Go. |
| standalone:[email protected] | A Cassandra Destination Connector. |
| standalone:dynamodb@f9aeeee-dirty | A DynamoDB source plugin for Conduit |
| standalone:[email protected] | A gRPC Source & Destination Clients. |
| standalone:[email protected] | A gRPC Source Server. |
| standalone:[email protected] | A PostgreSQL source and destination plugin for Conduit. |
This command shows the detailed description of a specific connector plugin, take thebuiltin:[email protected]
from the output above for example, to show more details about it, runconduit connector-plugins desc builtin:[email protected]
$ ./conduit connector-plugins desc builtin:[email protected]
Name: builtin:[email protected]
Summary: A PostgreSQL source and destination plugin for Conduit.
Author: Meroxa, Inc.
Version: v0.10.1
Source Parameters:
| url | string | URL is the connection string for the Postgres database. | | [required] |
| tables | string | Tables is a List of table names to read from, separated by a comma, e.g.:"table1,table2". Use "*" if | | |
| | | you'd like to listen to all tables. | | |
| logrepl.publicationName | string | LogreplPublicationName determines the publication name in case the connector uses logical | conduitpub | |
| | | replication to listen to changes (see CDCMode). | | |
| snapshotMode | string | SnapshotMode is whether the plugin will take a snapshot of the entire table before starting cdc | initial | [inclusion=initial,never] |
| | | mode. | | |
| logrepl.autoCleanup | bool | LogreplAutoCleanup determines if the replication slot and publication should be removed when the | true | |
| | | connector is deleted. | | |
| logrepl.slotName | string | LogreplSlotName determines the replication slot name in case the connector uses logical replication | conduitslot | |
| | | to listen to changes (see CDCMode). | | |
| logrepl.withAvroSchema | bool | WithAvroSchema determines whether the connector should attach an avro schema on each | false | |
| | | record. | | |
| cdcMode | string | CDCMode determines how the connector should listen to changes. | auto | [inclusion=auto,logrepl] |
| snapshot.fetchSize | int | Snapshot fetcher size determines the number of rows to retrieve at a time. | 50000 | |
| table | string | Deprecated: use `tables` instead. | | |
| | string | Schema context name to be used. Used as a prefix for all schema subject names. Defaults to the | | |
| | | connector ID. | | |
| sdk.schema.extract.payload.subject | string | The subject of the payload schema. If the record metadata contains the field "opencdc.collection" it | payload | |
| | | is prepended to the subject name and separated with a dot. | | |
| sdk.schema.extract.payload.enabled | bool | Whether to extract and encode the record payload with a schema. | false | |
| sdk.schema.extract.type | string | The type of the payload schema. | avro | [inclusion=avro] |
| sdk.batch.size | int | Maximum size of batch before it gets read from the source. | 0 | |
| sdk.schema.extract.key.enabled | bool | Whether to extract and encode the record key with a schema. | false | |
| sdk.schema.context.enabled | bool | Specifies whether to use a schema context name. If set to false, no schema context name will be | true | |
| | | used, and schemas will be saved with the subject name specified in the connector (not safe because | | |
| | | of name conflicts). | | |
| sdk.schema.extract.key.subject | string | The subject of the key schema. If the record metadata contains the field "opencdc.collection" it is | key | |
| | | prepended to the subject name and separated with a dot. | | |
| sdk.batch.delay | duration | Maximum delay before an incomplete batch is read from the source. | 0s | |
Destination Parameters:
| url | string | URL is the connection string for the Postgres database. | | [required] |
| table | string | Table is used as the target table into which records are inserted. | {{ index .Metadata "opencdc.collection" }} | |
| key | string | Key represents the column name for the key used to identify and update existing rows. | | |
| sdk.batch.size | int | Maximum size of batch before it gets written to the destination. | 0 | |
| sdk.batch.delay | duration | Maximum delay before an incomplete batch is written to the destination. | 0s | |
| sdk.schema.extract.key.enabled | bool | Whether to extract and decode the record key with a schema. | true | |
| sdk.record.format | string | The format of the output record. | opencdc/json | [inclusion=debezium/json,opencdc/json,template] |
| sdk.record.format.options | string | Options to configure the chosen output record format. Options are key=value pairs separated with | | |
| | | comma (e.g. opt1=val2,opt2=val2). | | |
| sdk.rate.perSecond | float | Maximum number of records written per second (0 means no rate limit). | 0 | |
| sdk.rate.burst | int | Allow bursts of at most X records (0 or less means that bursts are not limited). Only takes effect | 0 | |
| | | if a rate limit per second is set. Note that if `sdk.batch.size` is bigger than `sdk.rate.burst`, | | |
| | | the effective batch size will be equal to `sdk.rate.burst`. | | |
| sdk.schema.extract.payload.enabled | bool | Whether to extract and decode the record payload with a schema. | true | |
The output shows detailed description about the connector itself, and all the Source and/or Destination parameters that it provides, with details about those parameters too.
These same examples can be used for other commands, like pipelines list
, pipelines desc
, connectors ls
connectors desc
, processors list
, etc...